How to prepare for an Online Interview?
Online interviews are the new age of conducting interviews, which many organisations have adopted. Some have adapted to this method because it is more convenient and some have adopted it because of the COVID situations that have forced people to work from home (W.F.H.).
Online interviews also require preparation, like the traditional model of face-to-face interviews, which organisations used to do before COVID hit the world. So in order to prepare for an online interview, there are a few steps that one should keep in mind to ace the interview in one go:-

1. Be prepared and research well- An online interview also requires the same level of preparation as a face-to-face interview does. So, the interviewee must keep in mind the following steps while preparing for an online interview :-
Research about the organisation thoroughly.
Research about the people in the interviewing panel (Linkedin is a helpful tool in performing this research).
Perform a thorough analysis of the job description and brainstorm a talking point for every technical or hard skill mentioned in the job description. Focus on highlighting your accomplishments, milestones you have achieved utilising that specific skill.
Create a list of stories from your past experience in school, college, jobs and volunteer that corresponds to the soft-skills in the job description because if you are already prepared with the talking points and stories for your hard skills and soft skills you don’t have to worry about what the question will be.
Overall, consider an online interview like a traditional face-to-face interview and prepare accordingly.
2. Be Punctual- For a face-to-face interview, it is preferable to arrive at least 15 minutes before on the venue. The same tip applies to an online interview as it not only shows you're punctuality but would give you some time to test the interview software beforehand and fix the issues if there are any as you may be completely new to the software.
3. Download the interviewing software beforehand- It is advisable to download the software that will be used to conduct your interview beforehand, as it may be new software that you have never used before. Get used to it and download it on at least two devices so that you have a backup plan ready in case of a technical issue with one of your devices.
4. Choose the device that suits you best -You may have multiple electronic devices like a laptop, mobile phone, tablet, etc. In most cases, during an online interview, it is preferred to use a laptop or a PC, as they are easier to keep steady than a tablet or a phone, but it might be the case that your phone or tablet has a better camera resolution than your laptop. So, choose wisely which device will be most suitable for you to give an interview.
5. Run a mock interview to test the technology- Run a mock interview with your friend to test your audio and video in advance and troubleshoot any issue before your actual interview.
6. Speak Slowly and Clearly- Video Technologies are not perfect and can come with instances where the microphone may not pick up your words appropriately. So, to avoid this situation take your time to speak and cue your words.
7. Listen Carefully- During an online video job interview, it is very common to cut the interviewer in between due to audio lag or from not paying attention to non-verbal cues. Keep your mind focused on active listening and also keep in mind that when the interviewer asks you any question take a few seconds to answer it to avoid cutting him/her in between.
8. Pay attention to your body language- Body language conveys a lot about you in terms of what type of person you are or a potential employee. So, you can set a positive image of yourself by sitting up straight and keeping your hands on your laps as it showcases professionalism. It is important to keep in mind where exactly you are looking, look into the camera as frequently as possible especially when you are speaking. So, that your interviewer has a sense of you being engaged in the interview and not being distracted.
Best of luck for your interview!